Plastics & Elastomers
Industry News

Scientists Develop Color-changing Transparent Film for Domestic Displays

Published on 2021-08-13. Edited By : SpecialChem

TAGS:   Transparency    Creativity with Plastics     Electrical & Electronics   

high-polymer-film-color-changing Researchers from the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) have developed a transparent, stretchable high-polymer film material that turns completely white to have zero light transmittance when it is stretched out. The technology can be used for the development of a color-changing "chameleon film."

High-Stretchability and Multiple Use

The newly-developed film uses light to chemically bond a polymer and a catalyst. The technology can be applied to the development of films capable of changing colors like a chameleon. ETRI's elastic film is the size of a large coin and can be stretched up to 130 percent of its original size to have zero light transmittance and become transparent again when it shrinks back to its original size.

The film can be easily commercialized because its production process is almost identical to any other high-polymer product. The institute said the high-polymer film technology will be transferred to domestic display makers and high-polymer makers.

"The key success of this development is the finding of the film's microscopic cavities that cause refraction," researchers said. "We predict that camouflage uniforms and fashion dresses that change color in real-time can be developed in the future."

Source: ETRI

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