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Hyundai Plans to Transform Plastics and Organic Waste into Clean Hydrogen

Published on 2024-01-11. Edited By : SpecialChem

TAGS:  Sustainability and Bioplastics    Creativity with Plastics     Automotive   

Hyundai Plans to Transform Plastics and Organic Waste into Clean HydrogenThe Hyundai Group is concentrating on resource circulation hydrogen production technology that aims to transform environmental pollutants into clean hydrogen. The resource circulation technology that Hyundai focuses on includes two approaches: Plastic-to-Hydrogen (P2H) and Waste-to-Hydrogen (W2H).

Utilizing Waste from Local Communities

P2H involves melting waste plastics that cannot be recycled, gasifying the molten plastics and producing hydrogen by removing unnecessary elements. W2H, on the other hand, involves the fermentation of organic waste, such as food, sludge and livestock manure, to generate biogas. This biogas is then treated to capture carbon dioxide and produce hydrogen.

Hyundai is actively involved in various hydrogen projects globally, starting with Indonesia. The country has shown a growing interest in hydrogen as a crucial pathway to achieving carbon neutrality. There is a need to initiate hydrogen adoption at the local level to foster regional acceptance of this new energy source and drive the establishment of a hydrogen ecosystem throughout Indonesia.

In Indonesia, Hyundai is beginning with Waste-to-Hydrogen, through the utilization of waste from local communities, enabling the city to establish its own hydrogen production mini-hubs, eliminating the need to depend on hydrogen transportation and storage. With various off-takers entering the scene, the region will witness the formation of a hydrogen industrial cluster around the hub, thereby promoting the growth of a hydrogen society.

Currently, under the partnership with Indonesia, Hyundai is actively seeking the right location in West Java to deploy the HTWO grid solution. This will not only benefit Indonesia but also stands to benefit ASEAN markets in the long run, where hydrogen could play a significant role in driving both the carbon neutrality movement and economic development.

Hyundai is also developing megawatt-scale polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolyzer manufacturing capabilities for green hydrogen production, which is expected to commercialize within the next few years. Hyundai, through sharing components of fuel cell systems, plans to achieve a competitive price compared to existing PEM technologies. While the current market price of PEM electrolyzers is about 1.5 times higher than that of alkaline electrolyzers, the company is confident the price will drop below the alkaline electrolyzers through component sharing.

Source: Hyundai

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